Custom Framing
Franklin´s has a large selection of wooden and metal frames, and hundreds of mats in a rich variety of colors and textures. In addition to the usual square mat cut, we offer customer a large variety of mat-cut designs. We can also cut mats in various shapes such as numbers and letters.

Franklin´s can shrink-wrap and dry-mount images as large as 32 x 60 inches. Franklin´s carries premium, conservation, and non-glare glass. We also have museum glass and the finest framing acrylic for very large frames. If you can bring it in, Franklin´s can frame it!
- Uniforms & jackets
- Baseball cards & baseballs
- Needlepoint and cross-stitch
- Plaques & awards
- Fishing lures & fish stories
- Gold medals
- Diplomas & certificates
- And more ... the ideas are endless

Franklin's custom mats

Franklin´s has a large selection of used frames and new in-stock frames at discount prices.